Doing research for I’ll Give You the Sun: a stone-carving class with sculptor extraordinaire Barry Baldwin. (I wonder who Jude gets her hypochondria from?)

Brancusi's The Kiss, the sculpture Jude mentions before she's told about Plato's split-aparts

Magritte's The Therapist, one of the paintings Noah talks about to Brian (aka the oak tree)

Jackson Pollock's: One: Number 31, a pivotal painting and day at the museum for Noah and Jude

One: Number 31, you can see how enormous the painting is in this shot

Dianna's favorite painter Franz Marc: The Large Blue Horses

Michelangelo's David, both twins talk about David at one time or another

Jude's secret tattoo -- the cherubs from Raphael's painting Sistine Madonna

The Scream by Edvard Munch: on Noah's ceiling

Self Portrait with Thorn Necklace and Hummingbird by Frida Kahlo, the namesake of Guillermo's black cat

Dora Marr Seated by Pablo Picasso. Jude says Oscar looks like Picasso made him.

One of my favorite paintings by Chagall: The Promenade. Grandma Sweetwine says about Noah, "He was supposed to be the next Chagall not the next doorstop."

Rodin's The Kiss. Guillermo Garcia is pictured on the cover of Interview Magazine taking a baseball bat to it.

The Flower Carrier by Diego Rivera. Dianna's first book is on Michelangelo. Her second How Do I Love Thee? is on the work and lives of Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera who had a tumultuous marriage (two marriages with a divorce between them).

The Ecstasy of St. Teresa by Gian Lorenzo Bernini. This sculpture isn't mentioned in the novel but I'm pretty sure Oscar discusses it in the essay he wrote (and got an A on) for his art history class: The Ecstatic Impulse of the Artist.

I saw this picture when I was writing IGYTS and thought: It's Noah and Jude!

Then I was at a museum in Paris this spring and saw these two kids camped out in front of this painting, both of them drawing it. Again I thought: It's Noah and Jude!

These two again.

My friend Larry made this bag--If you've read I'll Give You the Sun you'll get why

Nina Lacour, Gayle Forman, and me celebrating when If I Stay hit #1 on the New York Times bestseller list!

Had a ball on this panel with Ellen Hopkins, Andrew Smith, Geoff Herbach, and Len Vlahos at the Decatur Book Festival in Georgia.

At BEA: the first ever signing for I'll Give You the Sun

BEA Panel on Realistic Fiction with E. Lockhart, Gayle Forman, Meg Wolitzer and me, moderated by Christin Stickles

Publisher of Dial Books Lauri Hornik and my literary agent Holly McGhee of Pippin Properties at BEA

My editor Jessica Garrison at BEA

Meg Wolitzer, Marie Lu, Katherine B. Howe, Ally Condie (not in pic) and me at Penguin's meet and greet at ALA in Las Vegas

Doing "research" in the vineyards for my next book: The Fall Boys and Dizzy in Paradise

This house was one of the inspirations for book #3: The Fall Boys and Dizzy in Paradise

Author John Dusfresne says: "The first commandment of writing fiction is: Sit Your Ass in the Chair. And sit it there daily. Strap on a seatbelt if you must, but sit." This is my good luck writing chair. Enough said.

Launch! The Sky Is Everywhere! At Books, Inc., SF

Orange shoes for The Sky Is Everywhere launch!

Nina LaCour, Heidi Kling and me reading at Kepler's in Palo Alto

At the Los Angeles Festival of Books

Los Angeles Festival of Books with panelists Gayle Forman, Cynthia Kadohata, me, and moderator Sonya Sones

A giraffe